1. Andrew Scott’s Lord Merlin was my favorite part of that show!
2. I think that there is something about our generation that makes hope embarrassing/uncool. I feel like both the generation before ours (the anti war/Civil Rights/Women’s Rights activists) and after ours (the Parkland students/Greta Thunberg/Malala Yousafzai) had/have access to hope in a much freer way. Perhaps that is why they can get more done and why Gen X is STILL stuck in its disaffected slacker idiom when most of Gen X is in its 50s and has turned into helicopter parents while wishing for the days of riding around on bikes all day in the summer utterly unsupervised.
Mel! Thanks for reading. I actually haven't even gotten past the first episode because I just.cannot.stop.watching that one perfect scene. I think you're right about the generational mindset shift, which is why I maintain that Harry Styles is my own avatar of how to be a person embracing hope and vulnerability in equal measure. But at the same time, I also think there's a dark side to younger generations' self consciousness that manifests in a whole set of anxieties we've mercifully never had to face. I wouldn't trade all those years of reckless, unsupervised bike riding for the world they've been growing up in and into.
Found my new obsession. Loving your personal essays. I found you from the memoir writing class
Thanks Lolo! Looking forward to reading your work as well!
1. Andrew Scott’s Lord Merlin was my favorite part of that show!
2. I think that there is something about our generation that makes hope embarrassing/uncool. I feel like both the generation before ours (the anti war/Civil Rights/Women’s Rights activists) and after ours (the Parkland students/Greta Thunberg/Malala Yousafzai) had/have access to hope in a much freer way. Perhaps that is why they can get more done and why Gen X is STILL stuck in its disaffected slacker idiom when most of Gen X is in its 50s and has turned into helicopter parents while wishing for the days of riding around on bikes all day in the summer utterly unsupervised.
Mel! Thanks for reading. I actually haven't even gotten past the first episode because I just.cannot.stop.watching that one perfect scene. I think you're right about the generational mindset shift, which is why I maintain that Harry Styles is my own avatar of how to be a person embracing hope and vulnerability in equal measure. But at the same time, I also think there's a dark side to younger generations' self consciousness that manifests in a whole set of anxieties we've mercifully never had to face. I wouldn't trade all those years of reckless, unsupervised bike riding for the world they've been growing up in and into.